Radioprotector Compounds
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Categories: “Neurological Disorders“
Reference #: 2012-030
OTC Contact: Ruchika Nijhara, Ph.D., MBA, CLP (Directory Information | Send a Message)
Radioprotector agents are used in the diagnostics and therapeutic settings to protect normal (e.g., non-cancerous) tissues or cells from radiation damage. These agents are also used as a means of protection in the setting of radiation exposure to the normal population. However, current commercially available radioprotectors are generally too toxic or are insufficiently active to be clinically useful. The present invention describes radioprotector compounds that are safe and effective for protection against ionizing radiation.
The compounds described in the present invention can be used as radioprotectors in the following settings:
- to ameliorate radiation damage in individuals accidentally exposed to ionizing radiation (e.g. nuclear reactor accident).
- to ameliorate radiation damage due to radiological weapons.
- as a means of biodefense in the setting of anticipated possible exposure to radiation.
- in the setting of clinical radiation therapy, to reduce normal tissue damage and/or increase the tolerable radiation dose, in order to improve the therapeutic ratio for cancer treatment.
- Unlike most other approaches to radioprotection, this approach is based on modulating the biologic response to radiation.
- Some of the compounds of the present invention are already being used in the clinic for chemoprevention.
- The compounds can also be used both as prophylactic to prevent radiation sickness or a mitigator of radiation after radiation exposure.
- Unlike the only FDA-approved radioprotector drug, Amifostine, which is only available for intravenous use, and is quite toxic, the compounds identified in the present invention are safe and effective.
Stage of Development
In-vivo studies demonstrate that the compounds can effectively protect rats and mice against ionizing radiation. Furthermore, Georgetown researchers have identified the mechanism of action of these compounds. They are currently studying the optimal dose schedule for these compounds for protection against total body irradiation.
Relevant Publications
Manuscript under preparation.
Patent Status
Patent application pending