Disclose your Invention
The Office of Technology Commercialization (OTC) offers two ways to disclose your invention: submit it electronically through the Invention Disclosure – Inventor Portal using your Georgetown credentials or download the Invention Form, fill it out, and send it via email.
Please read the information below before submitting your invention.
If you believe that you have an invention, it is critical that you disclose the invention to the OTC as soon as possible. Sometimes, an inventor can lose the right to a patent by failing to take the necessary measures to prevent the invention from entering the public domain.
Therefore, before you present your data at a meeting, submit a manuscript, or address a seminar or symposium, fill out an invention disclosure form, obtain the appropriate signatures, and return it to the OTC.
We highly encourage you to submit your disclosure online for easier input, editing, and review. OTC will review and process your invention disclosure per its normal procedures – but this format should allow for faster entry into our process.
We hope this will be the first step in granting access to the evaluation of your invention and to possible subsequent patent protection and prosecution proceedings.
Confidential Information Acknowledgement
When disclosing your invention, it’s crucial for inventors to be aware of the confidential nature of the information involved. The confidential information may encompass unpublished patent applications and other proprietary materials. By engaging in the disclosure process, you commit to maintaining the confidentiality of such information and refraining from disclosing it without the explicit permission of the Office of Technology Commercialization (OTC). Should you have any uncertainties about the confidential status of specific information, please contact OTC.