Genetic Marker and/or Biomarkers for Traumatic Brain Injury, and Ultrasensitive Assays for Biomarkers of Traumatic Brain Injury
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Categories: “Neurological Disorders” “Diagnostics“
Reference #: 2017-042
OTC Contact: Ruchika Nijhara, Ph.D., MBA, CLP (Directory Information | Send a Message)
This invention provides an ultrasensitive assay for GFAP and other biomarkers of TBI to accurately detect or measure biomarkers of mild, moderate and severe TBI. Further, it provides a means to monitor or prevent sequelae of TBI, helping to triage and guide the treatment of TBI afflicted individuals of varying severity.
- Accurate methods for diagnosing, prognosing, monitoring recovery from and assessing traumatic brain injury (TBI)
- The assay can be combined with APOE4+ allele screening for improved diagnosis, prognosis, and monitoring of recovery
Stage of Development
Patent Status
IP protected.
Mark Burns