Novel Radiation Mitigators to Enhance Survival Following Radiation Injury

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Categories:  “Other Disorders

Reference #: 2016-029

OTC Contact: Ruchika Nijhara, Ph.D., MBA, CLP (Directory Information | Send a Message)


Acute radiation sickness (ARS) that results from total body irradiation is often fatal and a result of injuries to the bone marrow and gastrointestinal tract. These tissues are uniquely susceptible to radiation-induced toxicity due to the presence of proliferating stem cells. The risk of exposure to lethal doses of radiation is considerable under situations of nuclear disaster and space flight, yet there are no established therapies to address radiation sickness following exposure.

Researchers at Georgetown University and The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center have identified protective agents from GI toxicity in models of ARS. These small molecules are useful in mitigating symptoms that occur following lethal dose total body irradiation.


Therapeutic agent for radiation mitigation


Stage of Development

In vivo proof of concept using murine models.


Milton L Brown, Yali Kong, Courtney Houchen, Sripathi Sureban, Parthasarathy Chandrakesan      

Patent Status
