CCK Receptor Antoagonist for the Treatment of Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH)

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Categories: Other Disorders

Reference #: 2018-031

OTC Contact: Ruchika Nijhara, Ph.D., MBA, CLP, Director ( Directory Information | Send a Message )


With the exception of weight loss and vitamin E therapy, few treatments are effective in decreasing the inflammation and preventing fibrosis. Cholecystokinin (CCK) receptors have been identified in normal liver, fibroblasts, and immune cells.  People that consume a high fat diet are found to have elevated CCK levels. The invention pertains to the use of CCK receptor antagonist to treat liver fibrosis and inflammation and/or to prevent hepatocellular carcinoma.



Stage of Development

Researchers showed proglumide reduced the inflammatory fibrosis and steatosis scores in the mice on the choline-deficient and ethionine-supplemented (CDE) diet compared to mice on regular water. Histology revealed microsteatosis, balloon degeneration and fibrosis in CDE/Reg diet mice. The histologic features of NASH were observably decreased in livers of mice on the CDE diet treated with proglumide.

Patent Status

IP Protected


Jill P. Smith