News Stories of Note
Top news stories featuring Georgetown University in research, innovation, and commercialization. When these noteworthy stories make the headlines, they will be presented here.
Dr. Kathryn Taylor: Telephone Counseling for Smoking Cessation (02/14/17)
Dr. Rebecca Simmons: First Ever Real-Time Efficacy Study on Fertility App Launched (02/07/17)
Dr. Leena Hilakivi-Clarke: Soy and Breast Cancer Treatment (02/01/17)
Dr. Xuefeng Liu: Conditional Reprogramming of Cells (01/26/17)
Georgetown University and Amarantus Bioscience Holdings Sign Exclusive Option Agreement — Jan. 15, 2015
NPR Article on Dr. Richard Schlegel’s work on cervical cancer treatment — Jan. 7, 2015
Georgetown Biology professor named D.C. Professor of the Year (Georgetown News)
Researcher Debunks Alzheimer’s Prevailing Development Theory (Georgetown Research News)
Congratulations to our Georgetown Inventors Inducted into the National Academy of Inventors (NAI)
Georgetown Awards HPV Vaccine Researcher Dr. Richard Schlegel
Georgetown Technology Based on Vegetable Compounds Featured on ScienceDaily (Oct. 16, 2013)
Georgetown Therapeutic Technology Featured on Forbes and FOX News (May 15, 2013)
Georgetown Molecular Biologist’s Work Mentioned in the Economist magazine (Aug. 17, 2012)
Lombardi Cancer Center Faculty Named Outstanding Faculty Entrepreneur in Medical Science (May 11, 2012)
Potential Cancer Tool Rights Licensed to Biotech Company (Feb. 3, 2012)
Other major press releases, announcements are located here.