I2I Feb. 25, 2016 — "Spotting Patent-Eligible Inventions: Devices and Software"
The Office of Technology Commercialization
Invention 2 Innovation (I2I)
“Spotting Patent-Eligible Inventions: Devices and Software”
Thursday, February 25, 2016
Leavey Program Room at the Leavey Center
(across from the bookstore)
This presentation will provide a detailed discussion of how to recognize when software-implemented process and device inventions should be considered for patent protection. For context, a refresher will be included on the basics of patents, including what patent law is (and isn’t) intended to protect.
Presented by:
Dawn-Marie Bey, Esq.
Bey & Cotropia
Lunch is provided and space is limited
Please RSVP by Tuesday, Feb. 23, 2016
to Jeremy S. Alexander at jsa [at] georgetown [dot] edu or 202.687.7424.
Faculty, entrepreneurs, fellows, students, and research administrators should attend.