Online Invention Disclosures at Georgetown University
Dear Inventor,
We are pleased to announce that The Office of Technology Commercialization (OTC) has a new electronic format for disclosure of inventions via our secure, private web-based database.
We highly encourage you to submit your disclosure online for easier input, editing, and review. OTC will review and process your invention disclosure per its normal procedures – but this format should allow for faster entry into our process.
We hope this will be the first step in granting access to the evaluation of your invention and to possible subsequent patent protection and prosecution proceedings.
Prior to login, please read the following important terms of use:
- Guidelines to Inventors
- Georgetown University’s Intellectual Property Policy
- Internal Database Usage Confidential Information Acknowledgement (below paragraph):
When you use this website, you may be presented with information and materials of a confidential and/or proprietary nature (“Confidential Information”). The Confidential Information contained on this inventor-accessible website may include, but is not necessarily limited to, unpublished patent applications and other materials that are not available to the public. By entering this website, you agree to hold all Confidential Information in confidence and not to disclose such Confidential Information to any person or entity, without the permission of the Office of Technology Commercialization (OTC). If you have any questions regarding whether any of the information on this website is Confidential Information, please contact OTC at 202-687-7424.