Funding/Partnership Opporunity: ASENT Pipeline Session
Georgetown University is hosting a Pipeline Session organized by ASENT (American Society for Experimental NeuroTherapeutics) on Feb 20, 2015 from 1:00pm to 7:30pm, which will be part of the ASENT Annual meeting (Thursday Feb 19 to Saturday Feb 21, 2015).
The pipeline session will be chaired by Roger Porter, MD, Rajesh Ranganathan, MD, and Kathleen Clarence-Smith, MD, PhD. There are still a few slots open for poster presentations.
One condition to present at the session is to be seeking funding, a partnership with a pharmaceutical company, or an investment from a venture capital group. Projects must be CNS projects, they can be very early (discovery stage; pre-IND) or very close to NDA (which can happen with repurposed drugs).
Currently, projects from Academia, Biotech, and start-up pharmaceutical companies have applied for a presentation at this session. Several pharmaceutical executives from licensing, but also from marketing and from R&D will attend the Pipeline Session, as well as venture Capitalists, and patient advocacy groups.
If you are looking for funding or for partnerships, you could submit an application for a poster presentation. All we need now is the title of your presentation as well as the authors. The deadline is end of November but there are a few slots left. Those interested in makingsubmissions MUST notify OTC as soon as possible but no later by Monday, October 20, 2014.
The location of the ASENT meeting is:
Georgetown University Hotel & Conference Center
3800 Reservoir Road
Washington, DC 20007
ASENT stands for American Society of Experimental Therapeutics, a nonprofit society founded nearly 20 years ago, to bring together people from different groups interested in finding new treatments for neurological diseases. Each year, we hold a meeting in Washington DC. We are becoming more international, and people from the EU and Japan attend the meeting. A few years ago, we started the “Pipeline Session” to bring together people who had discovered innovative therapies, but needed funding with people who are interested in funding innovative companies and projects.