Epitaxial Graphene Dots for High-Performance Terahertz Bolometers

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Categories: “Medical and Research Devices

Reference #: 2015-031

OTC Contact: Sharon E. Pula, Esq. (Directory Information | Send a Message)


Hot-electron bolometric detection using nano-patterned dots of epitaxial graphene




Few conventional bolometers are able to detect THz frequencies. These bolometers often require very stringent conditions to achieve high responsivity, such as cooling to near absolute zero. Even when the strict conditions are met, resolution can be poor at THz frequencies due to high noise-equivalent power (NEP).

Researchers at Georgetown University have demonstrated a novel technique to remedy these issues. The device is comparatively simple to construct and delivers extremely high performance responsivity. The use of quantum confinement confers the advantage of low NEP even at relatively high temperatures. The properties of graphene allow the device to reset quickly.

Stage of Development

Reduced to practice and tested


Abdel El Fatimy
Paola Barbara
Kurt Gaskill

Patent Status

Provisional Application