Combined Inhibition of FGF and Angiotensin Pathways to Treat Hypertension

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Categories: Other Disorders

Reference #: 2018-017

OTC Contact: Ruchika Nijhara, Ph.D., MBA, CLP, Director ( Directory Information | Send a Message )


Georgetown researchers propose using of an FGF pathway inhibitor in combination with an angiotensin inhibitor to treat hypertension. They observed the FGF pathway controlled the sensitivity of vessels to the vasoconstrictor, angiotensin. Activation of the FGF pathway by the expression of FGF-BP1, a modulator of FGF signaling, led to hypertension that was inhibited by an angiotensin II receptor inhibitor.

Investigators further demonstrated the effect of FGF pathway activation by inducing BP1 expression, this led to AngII sensitivity in vessels, thereby increasing blood pressure. The vasoconstriction caused by AngII sensitization was later reversed using an FGFR kinase inhibitor, supporting the notion that modulation of FGF signaling by BP1 can regulate vascular sensitivity to endogenous AngII and hence control steady state blood pressure.



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Anton Wellstein